Thursday, June 18, 2009

Movie Sequels Galore!

Indiana Jones V: In a BBC interview with Shia LaBeouf, who played Mutt in the last Indy film and stars in the upcoming Transformers film, he says that Spielberg cracked the story and the film looks to be moving forward.

Though many viewers found Kingdom of the Crystal Skull disappointing, I thought that it was fairly good, minus a few questionable parts. It felt like the Indy I loved, and the film was no worse than Temple of Doom.

Bourne 4: Frank Marshall, producer of the next Bourne film, says in an interview with IGN that he is moving it forward and hopes to shoot next year. He also mentions he wants a very solid script before moving forward.

I enjoyed the first two Bourne films, and the third was absolutely amazing. Even if the fourth isn't as good, it should still prove to be an entertaining and action-happy thrill ride.

Jurassic Park IV: In the same interview with IGN, Marshall also discussed how he felt the poor performance of Land of the Lost could effect the next Jurassic Park. He says that Land of the Lost was a comedy, and they just need to come up with a good story.

The third JP film was far from good, but it brought back the dinosaurs. When it comes down to it, everyone loves dinosaurs, and no franchise does better than Jurassic Park. It's sure to do well enough in the box office, and I'd love to see more t-rexes and velociraptors on the big screen.

Mission Impossible IV: Variety reports that Tom Cruise and J.J. Abrams will co-produce the next film installment, which is shooting for a 2011 release. The film could be delayed though, as Abrams is also slated to work on the next Star Trek film.

The first M:I film was great, the second was terrible, and the third was surprisingly decent, possibly elevated by the incredibly talented Philip Seymour Hoffman. The fact that Abrams is attached to the film should prove enough to ensure the next film will be entertaining.

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