Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Review: Quantum of Solace (2008)

Director: Marc Forster (Finding Neverland, The Kite Runner)

Cast: Daniel Craig (Casino Royale, The Golden Compass), Olga Kurylenko (Max Payne, Hitman), Mathieu Amalric (Munich), Judi Dench (Casino Royale, Shakespeare in Love), Giancarlo Giannini (Casino Royale, Man on Fire), Gemma Arterton (St. Trinian's, Lost in Austen), Jeffrey Wright (Casino Royale, W.), Joaquin Cosio

The Deal: James Bond (Craig) lost his love, and he's seeking vengeance. After an assassination attempt on M (Dench) fails, Bond is dispatched to track down the organization behind the attack, which may also lend clues to why he lost his love. The road of clues leads to Dominic Greene (Amalric), a business man with a scheme to make him and his partners very very rich. After saving the beautiful Camille (Kurylenko), he learns she is also seeking vengeance, and the two team up to track down Greene and settle their pasts.

Thoughts: Quantum of Solace had some very big shoes to fill following the hugely successful and well received Casino Royale. The doubts about Craig as Bond had been silenced, and hopes were as high as ever for the franchise. To many, Quantum of Solace comes off as an action-happy Bond flick that lacks a deep story line, but what those viewers are overlooking is that this is the first Bond movie that directly continues off of the previous film. What we get is a Bond who is so distraught over the loss of his love that he losses his control entirely, leading to reckless kills and questionable decisions. 

Craig does an excellent job of driving home the feeling that Bond is hurting, angry, and deeply wanting revenge. A man on that mission is focused, caring less about those around him, and only caring about the one sole objective, and Craig harnesses that feel very well. At first glance, Mathieu Almaric does not seem like a very imposing villain choice, but as we learn more about his character, I find him to be quite sinister and an excellent choice for the part. Judi Dench brings M to life once again, and she's just as hard-nosed and great as she always has been. Bond films are known for their beautiful women, often at the disregard acting talent. Kurylenko is certainly pretty, and though her performance isn't anything special, she fits the role she's meant to play very well.

Bond copes with the loss the same way a normal human copes with loss; he distances himself from the world until he finds his inner peace. In order to portray this, a simpler plot is needed so that the focus can be less on the bad guy's crazy plan and more on Bond kicking ass until his heart is settled. Casino Royale is a better film, but Quantum of Solace defines why the suave, no attachment, Bond we know is the way he is. It is an integral part of re-establishing a film franchise comprised of well-developed characters and plots. Quantum of Solace is an action packed thrill ride, and I believe the next Bond movie will play off of Quantum's strengths. It is then when it will be truly seen for its worth.

Verdict: Though less complex than it's predecessor, the film is action packed a still very much the James Bond we love. A very entertaining addition to the franchise. ☆☆☆☆

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