Saturday, July 04, 2009

Movie Rewind: Independence Day (1996)

Director: Roland Emmerich (10000 BC, The Day After Tomorrow)

Cast: Will Smith (I Am Legend, Men in Black), Bill Pullman (While You Were Sleeping, Lake Placid), Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park, The Fly), Mary McDonnell (Battlestar Galactica, Donnie Darko), Judd Hirsch (Numb3rs, Ordinary People), Randy Quaid (Christmas Vacation, The Last Detail), Vivica A. Fox (Kill Bill), Margaret Colin (Gossip Girl)

The Deal: Communication systems worldwide have suddenly gone into a frenzy, and it is soon realized that the cause is an alien invasion. The invasion has one goal- to destroy and obliterate the human race in order to mine the planet of all of its usable resources. With major cities destroyed, the remaining band of humans must rise up and take back the planet. July 4th will gain a new importance for not just Americans, but the world.

Thoughts: When I think back on the summer blockbusters of my childhood, Independence Day quickly comes to mind. It possesses all of the elements we crave (action, comedy, epic explosions, etc) while sporting the bare minimum of a script. When films are as grand and visually stunning as this, all that matters is the entertainment. The film is fun and entertaining, remaining an July 4th staple many years later.

Nowadays, when you want a summer blockbuster to be a guaranteed success, you turn to Will Smith. This was pretty much the start of said blockbusters for Smith, and he doesn't disappoint. He has attitude, humor, and the all around likeableness that makes him so popular. We know he's capable of Oscar-worthy performances, but it's films like this that we'll remember him by. Bill Pullman was decent as the President. He had a Presidential feel while also showing the soldier inside of him. Goldblum works fairly well as the "sidekick" to Smith. They play off of each other fairly well, and make for a funny duo.

Everyone loves a good film about humans defeating aliens, but what is most remembered about the film is the absolute beating the aliens dish out. Their ships are massive and intimidating, and when they decide to vaporize the White House, the scene is one that will forever be etched into your mind. The final stand battle is quite exciting, will lots of cool explosions and whatnot, and by the end of the film, you can't help but feel overwhelmed with pride for your country and the world.

Verdict: The epitome of summer blockbusters. The script itself may be lacking, but the big-name actors are there, the story is epic, the visuals are overblown and cool, and the film is still entertaining over 10 years later.

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