Friday, September 25, 2009

FlashForward Review: No More Good Days

At 11 AM, for exactly 2 minutes and 17 seconds, the entire world blacks out. In that time span, everyone sees where they will be 6 months in the future. Just as you'd expect, in that short amount of time, absolute devastation occurs. Cars crash, oil tankers explode, and people die. The show follows many characters, all of whom seem destined to directly effect each other's future outcome, but the central character is Mark Benford (Joeseph Fiennes). He's an FBI agent, and after he details his vision to his superior, he is placed at the head of the investigation of the flashforwards. His plan is to create an online database where people can share their visions in hopes of creating connections that can lead to an answer.

The episode does a solid job sparking intrigue and mystery. There are some very interesting futures that may lie ahead, and we get an early glimpse into how some of these interactions are going to come together. Another cool aspect falls on the people who saw nothing in their flashforward, as it's safe to assume that they will be dead in six months time unless they can figure out what happened and how to change their future. I'm not quite sold on the show yet, but for now, I'm interested to learn where this is going and I plan on still tuning in.

One of the weaknesses of the show is it's acting. There are a lot of familiar faces on screen (some kind of surprising, ie Seth MacFarlane), but I'm not overly impressed with their performances. Many characters come across as flat, and some I already don't really care about because of this. That's not a good thing for only the first episode. As of right now, the show has a few more weeks for the performances to improve and the story to get stronger before I would consider giving up on the show.

Verdict: Though the premise is very interesting, the episode fails to blow me away. If FlashForward wants to become the next Lost, it really needs build upon this set-up within the next couple of episodes, or it could be doomed to cancelation. ☆☆☆

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