Friday, September 25, 2009

The Office Review: The Meeting

This week's episode ends with a big shake-up for the office, one that may or may not go over smoothly with some (if the above picture isn't enough evidence). The move will add another strong storyline for the season in addition to the pregnancy and affair fallout. It should also open a slew of doors in the comedy department, allowing for a whole new level of jokes and antics.

The other main plot from the episode centers around Darryl (Craig Robinson). After getting injured at work, he's filing for worker's compensation, but Dwight thinks he's lying. Somehow, he convinces Toby (Paul Lieberstein) to help him play detective and get to the truth of Darryl's injury. The pairing seems quite odd at first, but it's fun seeing Toby in unfamiliar territory with Dwight.

I can't really say much more about the episode without spoiling too much. The majority up the episode dealt with setting up the big shake-up, and I don't even want to say who is involved in it for those who haven't seen this yet. What I can say is that this is another good episode for the show, delivering plenty of laughs to go along all of the growing plot developments.

Verdict: The duo of Dwight and Toby is quite odd, but very funny. As for the big shake-up, it should add another great storyline to the season, giving the show a lot of good material to build upon and stay on top of its game. ☆☆☆☆

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